career, change, choices, dreams, fear, growth, hate, heartbreak, hope, lessons, life, love, poet, struggle, Uncategorized, unlearning, writing

My morning thought….

My morning thought today was “What made dreaming/hoping come to a halt? Where did you stop? Does the where matter?” Yes. It always matters. And mostly because we want to trace our paths so we can either walk them again when needed or abandon them because they were dead ends. The short answer is most of y’all are not sure when you gave back and returned your talent for dreaming. But its never too late to reclaimed it. So this morning I asked myself what it means to thrive, what it means to be in a good space, I also realized in some of those things/situations? It is important to let go of what no longer is supposed to be in your path. Sometimes we hold onto old dreams because they make us feel grounded. Grounding is good, but being in quick sand isn’t. That is where you have to know the difference. To want what doesn’t want you? To have a desire for the things that turn your life over? There’s no more time for it. To know your mediation in abundance and flourishing is also a moment to give yourself the best thoughts, hopes and manifestations. Begin to dream again. On any given day of the start of this year, lay out your desires. Believe they are already yours.

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