
Love, Friendship And Bonds.

    You really just gotta love the people in your life. How y’all get together at the end of the day to talk about where you’re at. It is so important to make a variety of friends. Intentionally expand and select the relationships in your life. Some friends you talk to everyday, some you grab dinner with, some you talk business with, some you go to for a good laugh. The friend you grab drinks with isn’t always the friend you want to talk personal things with and that is OK.        

     Relationships are such incredible resources and they have CHANGED my life profoundly. Like sharing a good laugh on the phone with a friend on a Thursday night. Look at the people in your life and understand what function they serve to your life and you in theirs. If someone is unavailable to the type of energy exchange you seek, leave them be and redirect your energy towards someone who is available. Life has shown me how much relationships mean to me and how much they nourish my existence. A new friend randomly called me one night. We were on the phone for hours. My cheeks hurt from laughing and ofcourse smiling so much! There is just something about knowing you can pick up the phone and someone will be available for you. Always appreciate the relationships you have. You really complicate life when you try to change people. That’s why I say, expand your network, so you have a variety of people to draw on. Get to know the puzzle pieces you have in your life. It’s very empowering. Understand what each relationship is offering you. This also spills into dating, which can be fun. Experience an intentional variety of people and see their functionality in your life. One person may provide you with an incredible mental connection. Another one may give you an adventurous experience. Enjoy both. Someone will not be your everything all at once, but through being present and getting to know them, things may grow into that. 

   However, when it comes to all relationships – friends, romance, business – you need to continually responding to what’s present and presented. Potential never fed anybody. But showing up changes the game. Engage with the people in your life because they continue to show up. To be honest, the most impressive and exhilarating thing has to be someone who shows up and that includes YOU showing up for yourself. I LIVE for shared experiences. My love language is quality time. Sharing moments with someone who’s 100% present is everything. I promise you. You will meet someone who wants to show up and will make that transparent through action. Get over that person not showing up. You should not care how much “chemistry” or energy you have with someone if they are not showing up. What can someone do with this chemistry or energy y’all share if you’re not even there to see what it can become? It becomes very easy for anyone to be present and centered, so that they can respond to their reality accordingly. You gotta use the not so sweet experiences to direct you towards understanding what a great experience looks like for you.How does love need to look like for you? In what way do you need someone showing up in order for you to recognize they’re interested? Some women really enjoy someone who can handle how sassy they are. They really love that part of themselves. And they are attracted to men who are in touch with their masculine and feminine sides, because they are in touch with theirs. It makes things fun. I’ve noticed that when you’re single, you don’t really give yourself enough permission to mentally explore what romance should look like. Romance begins long before the person shows up. Why? Because it’s empowering taking the time to decipher what YOU are seeking.

   Getting chosen in love is cool, but do you know what YOU want to choose in a partner?Don’t consume yourself so much with getting chosen that  you don’t assess who’s choosing you. Romantic love can be a great, empowering and conscious experience. These days, people want to ascend in love. Not fall blindly. Not to mention, you do have to teach people how you like to be loved. Taking the time out to know what makes you feel loved is empowering!


One thought on “Love, Friendship And Bonds.

  1. Ta says:

    I am amazed by how sometimes we overly romanticise ‘potential’ – making decisions based on who we thought or hoped they might have been whilst ignoring who they actually were. They did not show up. They were not there. They were not who we needed. Once we reconcile with and accept that, somehow the healing is lighter and faster.


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